Building a
and healthier future together

We support consumers, companies, and farmers committed to real and healthy food. Our mission is to build a broad movement for sustainable food production, increasing the number of farmers dedicated to organic practices and making organic food the norm. Together, we are shaping a future where sustainability and health are at the forefront of our food system.

The National Pissing Contest

Did you know…


…We spend €6 billion per year on healthcare costs due to unhealthy food?

Water pollution:

…33% of drinking water sources in the Netherlands contain toxic concentrations of pesticides?

Social inclusion:

…20% of adult Dutch people who want to eat healthier, do not have enough money to do so?

Pesticide use:

…The agricultural sector in the Netherlands sprays half a kilo of pesticides per person?


…Modern agriculture endangers 86% of endangered species?

Global greenhouse gases:

…The food sector is responsible for 40% of global greenhouse gases?

How clean is your pee?

Together with Carice and Anne-Marie, we want to help you become aware of what is happening in your body. In this campaign we measure your glyphosate concentration and tell you what you can do about it.

Order your test

Come in action now And Stop
the use of glyphosate